Large Collections
of Social Studies Lessons;
Civics; Current Events;
Elections; Economics;
Families; Genealogy;
History; United Nations;
Human Rights; Immigration;
Presidents/White House;
Rubrics for Social Studies;
Return to Educational
Resources and Lesson Plans;
to the National Standards for Social
Large Collections
of Lessons for Multiple Social Studies
EDSITEment History and Social Studies
Many high-quality lesson plans from the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Learning Lab
Search their collection of educational resources.
NCSS Teachers
Library Collection
National Council
for the Social Studies. Use the search option to find lesson plans.
Archives Educational Resources
See also Teaching with
Documents for more lesson plans.
Library of
Congress Lesson Plans
High quality lesson plans for a variety of subjects and topics.
Many social studies lesson plans,
including some unique to this site.
Teachers.Net Social Studies
Another long list of lessons.
Lesson Planning
Center - Social Studies
Many lesson plans from
Education World.
Lesson Plans and Teaching
From CSU, Northridge.
Scroll down the list for links to lesson plan sources.
Utah Curriculum
Many social studies lesson plans organized by grade level.
Lesson Plans and Resources
Center for Civic
Education: Teaching
Includes many free lesson plans.
Civics Responsibility Guide: Resources to Promote Civic Engagement
Excellent civics education resources from Pudue Global Law School.
iCivics Curriculum Finder
Several units for a variety of topics.
Civics and Government
Lesson plans from the Library of Congress!
See also
Government, Law, and Politics.
Representative vs. Direct Democracy
A brief lesson plan.
The National Archives
Lesson Plans
Many lesson plans and resources using primary-source historic documents (DOCS
TEACH), such as
Teaching Six Big Ideas in the Constitution. and
Congress and the Creation of the Bill of Rights.
Observing Constitution Day
A wonderful lesson plan from the National Archives which uses
original historical documents accessible via
the Internet.
Constitution Center Classroom Resources Library
Click on Educ Educators
to see their lesson plans.
Lesson plans from the
New York
Times Learning Network.
U.S. Government Lesson Plans
High school lesson plans from Share My Lesson.
Congressional Redistricting
A lesson plan and activity from the Citizen Advocacy Center.
Teaching with Historic Places
Lesson plans from the National Parks Service.
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Lesson plans and Activities including
Bill of Rights and Other Amendments.
Follow the
High school civics lesson plans for tracking the influence of money in
U.S. Government Lesson Plans
An entire
semester (18 weeks) of high school lesson
plans by George Cassutto.
Teachers of Government
High school lesson plans prepared by participants in the Riley Institute's
program by the above name. Scroll down the page to find the lessons.
The Declaration Versus
the Communist Manifesto
A "slide share."
Democracy and Me
A collection of lesson plans "for teaching the political and electoral
process in the United States.
Appreciating Democracy
A high school lesson plan.
What Is Democracy?
A lesson plan for
grades 7 and 8 from Learning to Give.
The Powers of the President
A lesson plan designed to help students become familiar
with the many roles of
the president.
The Constitution,
Juvenile Justice, and You
A lesson plan developed for Special Education Students
in grades 9-12.
Ask a
site for crime prevention information and lesson
What Do Lawyers Do?
Go to this page and find out!
Supreme Court for Educators
Lesson plans from PBS. See also
The Supreme Court: The Judicial Power of the United States and
Supreme Court Activity.
Landmark Supreme Court Cases
Many lesson plans from the Bill of Rights Institute.
Crime and Punishment
Seven units developed
by fellows of the Yale-New Haven
Teachers Institute covering topics
in the theory and practice of crime
and punishment in contemporary America
from the standpoint of politics and political
Who Serves Time? Breaking Down Stereotypes about Juvenile Offenders
A lesson plan for grades 6-12 from LA Youth.
Justice for All
Another 6-12 lesson plan from the above source.
The Rights of
the Accused
A middle-grade lesson plan from S-Span.
United States vs. Thomas
Cooper: A Violation of the Sedition
A lesson plan using original documents accessible via
the Internet from the
National Archives.
Mock trial
An elaborate teacher's guide.
Election Lesson Plans and Resources
State, Local, and Midterm
Election Resources
From iCivics. Scroll down the page to find lesson plans.
Mini-Lesson: Midterm Elections
A high school lesson plan from the above site.
Seven Engaging Civics Lesson Plans
Election lesson plans from PBS.
Do the Midterm Elections Matter?
A lesson plan for grades 7-12 from PBS. See also
The Politics Game: Playing Midterm Election Bingo.
Monitoring the Midterms: Down-ballot Voting and the Role of Local and State
A lesson plan for grades 7-12 from PBS. See their other
2018 lesson plans.
Electoral College
A lesson plan for grades 3-12 from Education World. See also
Electoral Process and
U.S. Electoral College Teaching Resources.
Winning the Vote:
How Americans Elect a President
Three lesson plans from the
Today is Election Day
An activity from Read-Write-Think.
A 3-day simulation lesson from iCivics.
Stephen Colbert and the Role of Political Satire
A video, student reading, and discussion questions from the
Morningside Center for Teaching
Social Responsibility. See also
Caucus in Our Classroom and
Wealth and Taxes: What's Fair?
Mystery of Voters Who Don't Vote
A high school lesson plan from EconEdLink.
Voting USA
Resources and curricula. You will have to register
(it's free).
Project Vote
Smart Classroom Activities and Resources
Lesson plans for all grade levels.
Political Parties and Conventions,
A middle or high school lesson plan.
See also
Political Parties: Two is Company, Three's a Crowd.
Voting and Elections:
Resources for a Civil Classroom
to "help students recognize and respond to bias
. . ."
Teaching about Presidential Primaries
Lesson plans from Education world. See also
Primaries, Voting, and Elections.
Understanding the Nominating Process
A reading, glossary, resources, and discussion questions from
The Bill of Rights Institute.
Copernicus Election Watch
Another source for
election lesson plans.
Events Lesson Plans and Resources
Free Coronavirus Science Lesson Plans
One for elementary level and one for secondary.
Moment Lessons: Current Issues
Many activities for high
school students related to
current events from the Morningside
Center for Social Responsibility.
Twenty Five
Great Ideas for Teaching Current
From Education World.
See also
Curriculum: Why Teach Current Events?
New York Times Learning
The above link takes you to their
current events lesson plans Scroll down the page to find lesson plans by
subject area.
Teaching about the Israel-Hamas War
A lesson plan from the NY Times. See also
Fears Grow Bigger as Israel-Hamas Fighting Continues and
Resources to Help Understand the Hamas Terrist Attack and the Ensuing War.
Extra: Lesson Plans
Many current events lesson plans for a
variety of subject areas including
President Trump's First 100 Days.
The Life and legacy of Queen Elizabeth
A lesson plan from the NY Times.
Updates on Russia's Invasion of Ukraine
A lesson plan from PBS. See also
Teaching Resources to Help Students Make Sense of the War in Ukraine.
Black Lives Matter, the Killing of George Floyd, and the Long fight for
Racial Justice
A lesson plan from Brown University. See also
Teaching about the George Floyd Murder Trial.
Black Live Matter
Lesson plans for all grade levels.
Talking about Race and Privilege
A lesson plan for middle and high school students.
Lesson of the Day: Teaching about 'Critical; Race theory: A Brief History'
A lesson plan from the NY Times. See also
Teaching about the Critical Race Theory Debate.
After 20 Years, Taliban Returns to Power in Afghanistan
A lesson plan from PBS.
The Syria
A lesson plan from the Choices Program
which offers other lessons including
Immigration and
the U.S. Policy Debate.
Teacher's Guide to the
Syria Lesson Toolkit
From I Am Syria.
The Nuclear Option Vocabulary
Flash cards from Quizlet.
with the News
"Lessons to connect the content of the classroom
to the headlines in the news."
Breaking News English
Current events lesson plans for EFL/ESL. See also
English Current.
War and Terrorism
Many lesson plans from the National Council for the Social Studies.
Center for Middle East
This link takes you to their lesson plans, many of which are related to current
Current Events in the Classroom - Student News Daily.
Economics Lesson Plans and Resources
A variety of online and classroom learning activities
based on economic
topics in the news, all designed
to help integrate economic concepts
across the curriculum as outlined
in the
National Content Standards in Economics.
Economics in Demand
Four units, each with multiple lesson plans.
Economics Curriculum
Eight lesson plans.
Center for Economic Education
Many lesson plans for all grade levels tied to the National Standards.
Click on Teacher Resources to access them.
Virginia Council on Economics Education
K-12 resources including lesson plans and handouts.
The Mint |
A resource on money management. See their ideas
for teachers.
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Many resources and lesson plans including
Federal Reserve Education
Quantitative Easing Explained.
Economic Forecasting: An Internet WebQuest
See also
National Budget Simulation
Interactive National Budget Simulator.
for Teaching Economics Lesson Plans
Either search by topic or click on one of the topics.
Teaching Economics as if People
Five high school lesson plans including
Defining Economics and the American Dream.
Lesson 3: Price Indexes and Inflation
An elaborate lesson plan in pdf format.
Practical Money Skills
Many lesson plans for grades 9-12.
High School Budgeting Activity
See also
It's Your Paychedk: Curriculum Unit.
A Curriculum
of United States Labor History
for Teachers
An entire curriculum complete with handouts.
Issues of International Trade
Many lesson plans. See their entire curriculum of
lesson plans for the virtual classroom.
Tariffs, trade, and Tension
A lesson plan from the Bill of rights Institute.
Teaching Activities for "The Real risks of Trump's Steel and Aluminum
From the NY Times.
Bridges & Barriers to Trade
A lesson plan from The Foundation for Teaching Economics. See their
lesson plans.
String Trade
A 9th-gr ade lesson plan using economic and geographic
themes to demonstrate
the concept of global interdependence.
Money Lesson Plans
From Money
The Stock Market
A five-lesson unit.
Families Lesson Plans and Resources
Our Family
A K-2 lesson plan in which
students to explore the family or
household unit. See also the three-lesson unit,
Our Playful Community.
Learning About Families from
Click, Clack, Moo
A K-2 lesson plan fro Read-Write-Think.
Are Different
Grade 2 activities for Nina Pellegrini's book
by this title.
Family Tapestry
A lesson plan for grades K-5 exploring different family structures.
The Important Thing
About a Family
A 1st-grade lesson plan in which students identify
the ways families provide
basic needs to their members and then
create and publish a booklet to display
this information. This lesson is designed
to have a class of older children work with the
first-graders to help with the reading
and writing. See also
for another 1st-grade lesson plan from this
source. various
family members.
Introducing TV Families
A lesson plan for grades 2-5 designed make students
aware of how families
are portrayed on television and the differences
between TV families and
real families. See also
Comparing Real Families to TV Families and
The Constructed World of TV Families.
Family ESL Lesson Plan
For the intermediate grades.
Cultural Diversity:
The American Family - Past, Present, and Future
A 7th-grade unit that explores the family from a sociological
point of view to see how “family” in
America has changed, especially
in the last twenty-five years, and
how societal changes have had an impact
on family life. It also looks at families
from different cultural backgrounds.
Family History/Genealogy Lesson Plans
Activities for Kids
Grom the National Archives.
Family Tree and
Genealogy Projects for Kids
From Family Tree.
Family History in the Classroom
Information and several lesson plans from
Family Identities
Lesson plans on family history from Moving People Changing Places.
Basic Genealogy
A 5th-grade lesson plan.
A lesson plan for grades 7-8
Lesson plans for
have been moved to
their own sites.
United Nations Lesson Plans
The United Nations
Home Page
Seems like they are always changing and rearranging resources, but their
jome page is a good place to start looking for resources. See also
History of the UN and
United Nations System
of Organizations.
The United Nations, 1945-1953: The Development of a World Organization
Documents, photographs, and other resources from
The Harry S. Truman Library and
Introduction to the United Nations
An elaborate middle school curriculum supplement.
History of the United Nations
A concise history
of the U.N.
The United Nations and Reform
A lesson plan for grades 7-12 from PBS News Hour Extra.
UNESCO Home Page
Information about
the United Nations Educational, Scientific,
and Cultural Organization.
Model UN Resources
Activity guides, lesson plans, simulations, and
more from the United Nations Association of the United States. See also
Teaching and Training
Model UN Resources.
Human Rights Lesson Plans and Resources
University of Minnesota Human
Rights Library
The above link takes you to their educational
resources including lesson plans.
Declaration of Human Rights Resources
10 Resources for teaching about the Universal Declaration.
(UN Refugee Agency)
Lesson Plans in Human Rights and Refugees for Ages 9-11
See their
lesson plans for
ages 12-14 and
Human Rights for
Curriculum guides, teaching guides, and lesson plans from
Amnesty International USA.
Partners in Human Rights
Lesson plans for all grade levels.
An Introduction to Human Rights and responsibilities
A lesson plan for ages 10-12.
Children's Rights
A lesson plan from
Oxfam Education.
See their other educational
Human Rights in the U.S. and the International Community
Several multi-lesson units from the University of Nebraska.
Stand with Malala for Girls' Education Worldwide
A lesson plan that explores "the
importance of educating girls and examine the barriers that keep girls out of
. . "
Population Diversity and Human Rights
A high school lesson plan from Discovery Education.
Health and Human Rights
A lesson plan for grades 7-10 in which
students explore the concept that health is a basic
human right.
Poverty and
Human Rights
A high school lesson plan from Amnesty International
Youth for Human Rights
Order your free human-rights education packet.
Immigration Lesson Plans and Resources
Teach Immigration History
See the index at the left to access their lesson plans.
Statue of Liberty/Ellis Island
Foundation. Inc.
Great source for information on immigration.
Coming to
America: Immigration Builds a Nation
An Article and other resources from Education World.
Ellis Island Unit
A middle-grade through high school unit that allows
students to take a virtual field
trip to this famous historical
Immigration : Stories of Yesterday and Today
A teacher's guide, activities, and resources from Scholastic.
Immigration: Stories, Struggles, and Debates
The "curriculum companion for Immigration: The Ultimate Teen Guide."
It includes five lesson plans.
Angel Island
Immigrant Curriculum Guides
Many lesson plans, work sheets, and primary-source documents about this
immigration station through which many Asian immigrants passed . See also
Discovering Angel
Island: The Story Behind the Poems.
Immigration and
the U.S. Policy Debate
A lesson plan from the Choices
Do I Come From?
A lesson plan for grades 3-5 in which students explore connections
to their ancestral homelands.
Coming to America: US Immigration
A 6th-grade unit in pdf format. See also
Hopes of Our Ancestors: The Impact of Immigration on America
for another 6th-grade unit.
Coming to America
A lesson plan from the NY Times.
Immigration to the United States
A lesson plan for grades 6-8 from Discovery Education.
Our Changing Voices
A secondary unit using documents from the
American Memory
collection. See also
Immigration and Oral History
for another lesson plan from this source, or see all of their
immigration lesson plans.
Immigration Law: Deport or Not? You Decide
A lesson plan for grades 9-12.
Immigration Laws and Enforcement
A lesson plan from Immigration History.
New America
A lesson plan about the Hart-Celler Immigration Act of 1965 for grades 7-8. See also
The 1965
Immigration Act and the Myth of the Model Minority
50 Years On, The 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act Continues to
Reshape America.
Understanding Immigration Reform
A lesson plan from PBS News Hour Extra. See also
Undocumented/Illegal Immigration.
Immigration Information
from Theodora
Everything you
want (or don't want)
to know about immigration.
Presidents and the White House
The Presidents
White House source for information,
pictures, etc. for all U. S. presidents including
Biden and
J. Trump. Use the left-side menu to find the
president about whom you want information.
The American
Lesson plans in pdf organized by grade level.
Joe Biden
Info from the White House.
Donald Trump
News and resources from PBS News Hour Extra.
President Trump's First 100 Days
A lesson plan for grades 7-12 from PBS News Hour Extra. See also
The Inauguration of a New President: A Lesson Plan on Predicting and
Evaluating the First 100 Days of a Trump White House.
Analyzing Trump's Immigration Ban
A lesson plan from the NY Times.
The Power of Executive Action and What Trump Can Do After Taking Office
A lesson plan from KQED Learning.
Before and Beyond the Constitution: What Should a President Do?
A three-lesson unit for grades 6-8.
of the President
A lesson plan from KQED Learning.
Power: Its Use and Abuse
A high school lesson plan from
Teachable Moment.
There are five other related lesson plans with links provided here.
Presidential Portraits
Portraits of and information about each president from the National
Gallery at the Smithsonian.
See their American
Presidents lesson plans.
Winning the Vote:
How Americans Elect a President
Three lesson plans also from the
Day WebQuest
For middle grades. See also
President WebQuest.
Teaching Ideas for Presidents Day
More lesson ideas. These are from Bright Hub Education.
Presidents' Day Activities
Ideas from Education World.
Presidents' Day Theme
Many lesson plans and activities
from A to Z Teacher Stuff.
Day Lesson Plans, Activities, and Clip Art
From Mr. Donn.
Day Quiz for Beginners
See also
Presidents' Day
Quiz for Experts.
White House Home Page
This is a really good site!
House Historical Asso0ciation Educational Programs and Resources
Many lesson plans and resources.
Scavenger Hunt in the Whitehouse
A lesson plan from
The National First
Ladies' Library.
Every Day is
Presidents' Day at the Whitehouse
A lesson plan for grades K-3 from Education World.
Rubrics for Social Studies
A "general rubric" and two others from
The Social Studies Help Center.
Social Studies Rubric Makers
from Teachnology.
Printable Social Studies
A whole bunch!
Student Friendly Rubrics for Social Studies
Hoigh School gateway Assessment.
Sciences Rubrics
A large number of rubrics from Rcampus.
Studies Compare and Contrast Summary Rubric
A rubric for comparison papers.
Oral Presentation Rubric
For another presentation rubric see
Oral Presentation Rubric.
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